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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ayya Anandabodhi's Dharma Talks
Ayya Anandabodhi
Ayya Anandabodhi first encountered the Buddha’s teachings in her early teens, igniting a deep interest in the Buddha’s Path of Awakening. She lived and trained as a monastic in the Forest Tradition at Amaravati and Chithurst monasteries in England from 1992 until 2009, when she moved to the US to help open more opportunities for women to live the monastic life. She took full Bhikkhuni Ordination in 2011. Her practice and teaching are guided by early Buddhist scriptures, living in community, and through nature’s pure and immediate Dhamma.
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2012-04-08 Opening To An New Day 49:35
Early morning meditation guidance
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Wisdom and Compassion Are the Gifts of Mindfulness: Monastic Retreat
2012-04-07 The Five Nivaranas 38:00
Explanation of the five Nivasanas (five hindrances)
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Wisdom and Compassion Are the Gifts of Mindfulness: Monastic Retreat
2012-01-03 Kamma Ripens After a Retreat 31:05
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery (Angela Center) New Year's Retreat
2012-01-02 The Five Hindrances to Enlightenment 42:50
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery (Angela Center) New Year's Retreat
2012-01-02 Mindfulness of Feeling 36:25
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery (Angela Center) New Year's Retreat
2012-01-02 Breathing Metta 40:20
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery (Angela Center) New Year's Retreat
2011-12-28 Just Sitting on the Eggs 35:02
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery (Angela Center) New Year's Retreat
2011-09-25 Guided Metta Meditation 38:43
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2011-07-11 Sharing Breath Mindfully 60:23
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks
2011-06-07 One Earth Sangha 40:24:32
with Ayya Anandabodhi, Ayya Santacitta, Ayya Santussika, Bob Doppelt, Catherine McGee, Chas DiCapua, David Loy, Donald Rothberg, Jack Kornfield, James Baraz, Joanna Macy, Malcolm Margolin, Margarita Loinaz, Mark Coleman, Nina Wise, Paul Hawken, Rob Burbea, Sayadaw Vivekananda, Tara Brach, Thanissara, Various, Wes Nisker
One Earth Sangha is oriented toward Buddhist and mindfulness practitioners seeking dharma, practices and community around care for the Earth. See their website here: One Earth Sangha

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